Options for a Psyd Degree

Psyd Degree consists of four or five years of academic studies, followed by internships and ultimately by the license as doctor in Psychology. The Psyd degree could be an applied/clinical practical degree, and also a research degree. The two areas of specialization are very distinctive.

There are also major discrepancies between academic and professional programs, concerning both the coursework and the necessary expenditures. Professional schools though might not always be the best choice in all the areas of specialization that one might choose. Still, when it comes to choosing the best PsyD degree program, the choice can be rather difficult, considering that there are many advantages as well as disadvantages that one ought to take into account.

You can pursue such courses at a university or specific professional schools, preferably pursuing a Psyd degree after obtaining a MS degree. It is not compulsory. You can pursue a PsyD degree even if you have not earned your MS degree, but the process will probably be longer, therefore it is often advisable to gain the MS first. Still, if you think you could obtain your PsyD degree faster than average, not having previously earned an MS should not be a problem.

There are programs which allow you to skip some classes and shorten your Psyd degree study time, even if the process is not always simple and you have to submit a syllabi waiver on time. Not all PsyD programs will tolerate shorter studies, however if you manage to complete your syllabi on time, in the first year or two you should be able to skip up to four courses every semester. Another alternative would be to transfer few courses from MS, while the kind of program you've chosen could be major for the information you would transfer, as you must also verify the succession of the classes in your program.

However, in order to transfer such classes, previous attendance is required, or else the transfer will not be allowed. Especially in the first year, the PsyD degree student could be limited regarding the classes offered. The compulsory courses should always have priority. Classes such as Stats I, Adult Psychology, Child Psychopathology and Research Methods can generally be skipped in various university programs. So if you're planning to do an MS and later pursue a Psyd degree program, you can also choose research-based MS programs which have a good history of getting people into doctoral programs. Furthermore, if you are thinking about shortening your study time in Psyd degree education, check your syllabi in time and submit your waiver as soon as possible, starting with the first years of study.